Join our FREE Virtual Workshop
A Mindful Seder:
Self Care for Passover
We are giving back to the community this Passover with a
FREE workshop, led by Recovery Coach Sher Zadok.
Tuesday, April 12th at 7pm
If you have been wondering how you are going to balance your mental health this Passover, we invite you to join our Mindful Seder workshop.
Together we will reflect on the themes of passover and how they relate to self care. Each participant will leave with their own “self-care seder plate” and journaling prompts to help you find your own freedom this holiday season.
Join live on Zoom in any way that feels comfortable for you. You can participate with your camera on, or stay quiet with your camera off: the choice is entirely yours.
We are looking forward to having you there!
This workshop is FREE and open to the public. Registration is required.