Eating Disorder Therapy

You might be wondering if recovery is real, and if it’s worth it. Part of you may want to stick with your eating disorder, feeling like it’s the safest way to live, but a stronger part of you knows better: you want to be productive at work or school. You don’t want to feel trapped. You want to be able to eat with friends in a restaurant like you used to. Maybe you just want to think about something else for awhile. Ultimately, maybe you’d even like to learn to eat intuitively and respect your body.
We are seasoned and compassionate eating disorder therapists with experience treating Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Orthorexia, compulsive exercise and body image issues. We have worked with men, women, teens, and even young children in outpatient, Intensive Outpatient (IOP), and Partial Hospitalization settings. We offer a highly individualized, holistic approach that treats you as a whole person -- not just a person with an eating disorder.
We see beyond the eating disorder to address what is "underneath" it: anxiety, difficulties with friends and family, trauma, coping with difficult emotions, depression, grief, and everything in between are all addressed in eating disorder therapy.
Using a blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Trauma-focused and attachment-focused techniques, We help you to develop the insight and skills needed to work on real, lasting recovery.

Recovery Coaching & More
We understand the complex nature of eating disorders and take a comprehensive approach to treating them. In addition to your session each week, we can also provide:
Specialized care coordination so that all of your providers are on the same page
Meal support sessions to help you meet your meal plan goals, get more comfortable with social eating, and manage anxiety around meals
Family therapy & a parent support group, so that the people closest to you can understand and support you
Exposure therapy to help you overcome your anxiety about everyday things like buying new clothes, shopping for groceries, and eating in restaurants.
Group therapy to connect you with people who really understand
Yoga & Meditation as an adjunct to therapy, to help you manage anxiety and cope in a healthy way
Specialized Treatment For Adolescents and Pre-Teens
A Special Note For Parents:
If you’re like most parents, your teen’s eating disorder probably took you by surprise. Maybe the pediatrician mentioned concerns about your teen’s weight, maybe you’ve noticed some changes in his or her behavior, or maybe your teen has mentioned wanting help. Maybe you’re not sure she really has an eating disorder, but you know you feel concerned and that you don’t want things to get worse.
No matter how connected you feel to your teen, nothing prepared you for this. You’re not sure what to say or how to respond. You’ve tried running from store to store in search of something she “will” eat. You’ve tried reassuring her that she’s beautiful the way she is, and you’ve tried lecturing her about her health. Still, she seems less and less like her old self with each passing day. She’s irritable, anxious and sad. You need to get help for your teen, but you don’t want to waste your time with someone she won’t talk to. You need support for yourself to understand how to help and what to say, and you need to get your spouse on the same page, too.
Don’t wait for your teen to want to change or admit she has a problem. These things won’t happen, and they don’t have to. We understand that the inability to see the eating disorder as a problem is actually a complication of the eating disorder itself, and we know what to do about it.
We know that research overwhelmingly indicates that the sooner a person gets the RIGHT help, the better their prognosis. We know not to waste precious time in the beginning stages of therapy working on self esteem or searching for the root of the problem while the disordered behaviors continue to run amok. We understand the importance of getting your teen back on the right track quickly so that she has the best possible chance at making a full recovery.
We can help you to help your child recover at home, in her own environment with the people who love her most. You don’t have to continue feeling helpless; we know you already have what it takes to fight the eating disorder and restore your child to wellness. We are on your team and we have your back.
Christine, Hannah, Karissa, and Lior